Our pure pashmina (cashmere) shawls are a testimony to luxury, tradition, perseverance, and sustainability.

Ethically handcrafted in Ladakh & Kashmir, the birthplace of cashmere.

The “O” Collection

The Original. This naturally pigmented capsule collection is designed to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your wardrobe, all year round.

The Monk Collection

Inspired by the deep-red traditional wraps worn by Buddhist monks in the Ladakh region, the Monk Collection pays tribute to the community where our raw cashmere comes from.


The truth behind cashmere.

Actually, we’d better talk about pashmina.

When first discovered by the "West", pashmina wool (from the pashmina, or changthangi goat) was called "cashmere", in reference to the region in which it was discovered. Thus, the true and original pashmina shawls come from Kashmir, which is why our products are second to none.

learn more


All of our shawls are ethically handcrafted by a cooperative of families in the Kashmir region.

Shawl Wallah (and any traditional, original pashmina shawls) are only possible due to the many people that have a hand in the production process.

This is slow fashion. As it was originally intended.

Our co-operative consists of goat-herders, wool spinners, wool dyers, loom weavers, shawl washers, and the families that support them all. The artisans and tradespeople we work with are based in and around Srinagar, in Kashmir.

meet the collective

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